Sissy Spacek – Diaphanous LP
Sissy Spacek
Diaphanous LP
To Live A Lie
At the intersection of the two extreme genres of noise and grindcore, Sissy Spacek has been an ongoing artistic process to create anxiety-inducing chaotic music. The band returns to basics with it's core lineup of Charlie Mumma and John Wiese. Diaphanous is a vortex of blast beats, noise electronics, and ardent screaming. If you've heard the group's 2016 album Disfathom, or 2018's Ways of Confusion, you can consider this its spiritual successor. For fans of chaos, noise, and blast beats. After contributing to the underground for almost a quarter of a century, this is considered the band's third grindcore full length and it is not to be missed.
—Label Description
"The barrage of noise in the intro serves as a premonition of the intensity to come—emphasis on “intensity.” Sissy Spacek delivers a high-velocity attack of grindcore, solely using bass, drums, and vocals. You don’t feel the need to listen to some distorted guitars on top of this, as the drums and bass do a proper job of keeping the songs interesting. A blastbeat-driven fury of classic grindcore acts with the technical precision and sonic density of more modern exponents of the genre. The band has demonstrated a knack for crafting epic grindcore albums (28 songs in 12 minutes) that pack a tremendous punch despite their brevity—the songs rarely extend past the 30-second mark, but manage to feel epic in scope. For fans of extreme, boundary-pushing grindcore acts."